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Parents' council meeting on June 6, 2023

Dana Dorneanu

Dear parents

The last parents' council meeting of the school year took place on June 6th. We had the following topics:

The school management informs that the Sihlfeld will become a day school from school year 25/26. A representative of the ER will be invited for the first preparations this summer.

The annual project "Against Racism and for Diversity" is almost over with the theater week this spring. You can find impressions here

There will be a final event in spring next year. In addition, the SiBi (library) was given many beautiful books on the subject. Maybe your child will bring one home?

A few menu items have been added to our website. This should make it clearer. Information on various school-related topics can be found under "Downloads".

For example, the Hort team recorded the children's voices on a flyer - take a look! (German only)

We are always happy to receive feedback on the website!

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 16 September 2023

The parents' council organizes a children's flea market in the playground and looks forward to young and old. More information will follow!

And soon, on Friday, June 30, 2023 from 2-4 p.m., all parents are cordially invited to the conclusion of the Radiobus project week. We from the Parents' Council are present with a BEVERAGE BAR and look forward to seeing you!

Best regards

Your Parents Council Sihlfeld

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