Dear parents,
The "Project group against racism and for diversity" is ending its productions in the annual series of the same name with this holiday course for the time being. We keep you regularly informed on our Parents' Council website about the events that take place almost every month. Here we inform you with a final report about our last project so far, plus some very nice photos of the children involved in the theater scenes they developed and some very touching written feedback from the children. But our series does not end there, as I said, next year there will be one last event in the annual series against racism and for diversity.
Holiday course children's theater
After many clarifications, our holiday course could take place in the Sihlfeld school building. Unfortunately, we had to go through a long odyssey through most of the school buildings in the vicinity before we were able to do so, but in the end we were lucky enough to be able to use our school building and gained some experience. The fact that we were allowed to perform here and show the children's scenes was an important part of the concept of our theater specialists. The children shared with us adults, their parents and us theater people, their personal and sometimes very profound experiences with the keywords: exclusion, diversity and racism. It was therefore particularly important for us that they could experience their intimate experiences in exactly this environment, i.e. in this school building, as positive experiences through their acting, dancing and singing.
We worked for 4 days, from May 2nd to May 5th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Between the rehearsals there was a fine lunch and two long breaks with mid-afternoon and afternoon tea. The entire project cost 10,600 francs, we received 6,300 francs from sponsors, and our management team contributed the remaining amount as a personal contribution. Our team consisted of professional theater people (directors, producers, stage and music), so we could look after the 17 children for individual works and scenes in smaller groups.
The theater project gave us all great pleasure. The holiday week was wonderful, creative and very intensive for the children. All ideas, all scenes, most of the songs and also the stage texts were created together with the children. Her imagination and enthusiasm for acting and her courage to be honest inspired us all. We would like to thank our young performers for this extraordinary and unforgettable insight into their childhood world of thoughts.
On behalf of the Parents' Council, your management team