Dear Parents,
On January 14th, a meeting of the parents' council took place. Here are the topics discussed:
New elections in the parents' council
The board of the parents' council was elected. Anita Kocics, Rodrigo Souza and new Michael Jahn will take on this role.
Website of the parents' council
The website of the Sihlfeld Parents’ Council has been set up and optimized:
All parent council projects and meeting minutes are published there.
Traffic situation
The green phase for pedestrians on Hardstrasse is very short. An extension would be desirable, but experience has shown that changes of this kind are difficult for the city of Zurich to implement. A request would have to be made to the city (police).
Equal Opportunities & Bullying
The schoolyard has increasing provocations, especially during football games and on the Red Square.
* The city of Zurich offers a prevention program for this purpose.
* Teachers can attend thematic training courses on this topic.
* After school, responsibility no longer lies with the teaching staff; parents should be made aware of this if necessary.
* Conflicts can be resolved with the support of Ms. Joy Jellamo. This offer should be mentioned in the parent summary of the session.
* Concerns from the classes can be collected to find targeted solutions.
As always, you can find further information on our homepage:
We look forward to your questions, suggestions, and feedback!
Best regards